EVERYONE was dancing their hearts out. It was a blast, and I was the ONLY white guy there. It was like...heaven or something.
My incredibly creative artist friend Ai. We met quite randomly on a missionary ship that was staying in the Fukuoka harbor. Sometimes I go to church with her and her family, but it takes about an hour and half to 2 hours to get there, so I dont make it every Sunday.
Ai`s boyfriend is a stinkin awesome DJ
The concert was followed by a 2 hour conversation downstairs in the lounge, ALL IN JAPANESE!!! Naturally, it consisted mostly of me intently listening, wracking my brain for any words I could understand. The guy in the sailor outfit spoke about as fast as the micro machines guy, which certainly didnt help in my ability to understand, but he was such a good storyteller I couldnt stop listening.
Good times. Many dances were danced. Many friends were made.
1 comment:
Now THIS is a blog! Exotic places...exciting adventures in a foreign land...chopsticks...cool! Now don't get lazy...keep the posts coming. Now that I know your blog address, I'll link it to mine. I see you have already done the same for me. You're like one of those really cool dudes! Love, Uncle Pat
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