I've been asked a lot lately why I am in Japan. It's simple really. I've always wanted to learn Japanese. Not just textbook Japanese like I learned in high school, but how to truly speak and think in Japanese. If I don't do it now, I might never have the chance again.
Sometimes I think of giving up. Its been very difficult to make good friends. My phone is full of numbers, but none of them feel like my true friends. Mostly just people I hang out with occasionally. The usual, go out to eat, go to a bar...but it very rarely goes beyond small talk, due to my limited ability to speak the language. Of course, I improve everyday. When I run across someone I haven't seen in a few months and they are blown away by how much better I have become, its a huge encouragement.
But trust me...this is the most difficult thing I have ever done. I have a great amount of respect for all the Japanese people who have become fluent in English. They are two drastically different languges, and completely switching the way you think is close to impossible.
Rhyme, we are so proud of you. I'm glad you're taking this time to do some traveling. Not many people actually get to live their dream, but you have always wanted to be an artist and to travel, and you're actually doing both. Very proud, very proud.
Dude, you go!
Are you working? Do you have a specific timeline for returning to the US? Tell us more Uncle Ryan!
Uncle Pat
Dude Rye, Your mom is right. Not many people get to travel and follow their dreams. You are doing it! Stay encouraged and have a blast.
I understand how you have been feeling by staying and learning Japanese in Japan.
I felt in the same way you thought when I was in U.S.
I cried everyday, and felt so lonely.
But I believe that the experience has made me stronger and has extended my world.
I always disappointed on my English. Asked my self "Why I cannot speak English well not as same as other international students speaks fluently?"
I love people, and I love true friends.
when I was in Japan, there were so many friends around me, but not in U.S.
I really appireciated to all of my friends that being nice and supportive friends of mine by staying in U.S.
Now, I left U.S. and some of American friends have e-mailed me about our freind relationship.
I didn't know how much I am being a big part of their life, but I am.
I was really glad to hear that from them.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, Ryan!
I really wanna talk with you about my experience in U.S. and your experience in Japan.
I would love to share it with you!
can't wait to see you so long---!
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