Yesterday morning an F-18 fighter jet crashed into a San Diego neighborhood without warning.

Eating lunch with some co-workers, I'm watching the crash site from a heli-cam on the news. The street looks so familiar, but...that's impossible. I mean really, this kind of stuff doesn't happen to people you actually know, it just happens on TV right?
レストランのテレビで、空撮からその墜落事故のニューズをじっと見ていた。道は僕のをすごく似てるだろうかと思っていたけど。。。うそ。ぜったいそんな事はないよ。I get a call from the roommate. It was across the street.
ルームメートから電話がきた。「俺らの家の前だったよ」Across the street?!
「まじで?!」Yeah...a fighter jet crashed into our friend's house. It's gone. The house is just gone.
「そう。。。ジェットが前に住んでいる友達の家に墜落したよ。なくなった。。。すっかりなくなった、家は。」Nothing can really prepare you for hearing that. Suddenly this whole thing went from being incredible to being gut wrenching.
. . . . .
Last month my friend's aunt and uncle moved into the house across the street from me because they needed more room for their growing family.
先月僕の友達はおじさん家族と僕らの前にある家に引っ越した。赤ちゃんが最近生まれて、家族がちょっと大きくなったからね。That two story house now looks like this:
I took this picture from my roof last night after being escorted to my door by the police. As you can see the house is just completely gone. There's really no heap of rubble, its just gone. The saddest part of this is that, while my friend and his uncle were at work, the rest of the family was home. The mom, grandmother, and 2 kids were all killed in the accident.
夕べ、警察が玄関まで連れてくれてから、この写真は僕の屋根の上から取った。見えるとおり家はなくなってしまった。一番悲しい事は、友達とおじさんがいなかったのに、おばさんも、おばあさんも、子供たちも、墜落事故の時、家の中にいたから、皆いなくなりました。The picture doesn't really do it justice, but it's like a warzone in my neighborhood. Military personnel are walking around, police, firetrucks, and a swarm of news vans completely block the road.
This is the site that greets me now in the mornings on my way to work. Right outside our dining room window is a horde of newscasters and cameras. My car is parked up the street so I walk through them all on my way.
ダイニングの窓から、こんな景色が見えるようになった。ニューズキャスタばっかり。It's an incredible tragedy that affected the whole neighborhood. My house has very somber atmosphere right now considering we all know the guy who lived there. But at the same time of course we feel an eerie sense of relief and thankfulness. The jet passed right over our house on the way down. Had the pilot aimed just a hair lower, it could have collided right into us, and with all 3 of my roomies home at the time, it's not a pleasant thought.
And to think the only reason I came into work (I was going to call in sick) was to show a co worker a portrait of her family I had finally finished.
仕事からサボってないわけは同僚の家族の肖像を描いて終わったばかりだったから、見せたかったさ、俺が最近かぜひいちゃったのに。What an intense day.